Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shhh...It's a secret

So how good are you at keeping secrets? I am not so good at it. I normal feel the need to tell one person... which is normal my husband. The thought of knowing something that no one else knows creeps me out a little bit. So the secrect is out - I have a hard time keeping a secret!

The other day I went to check on my really quiet 3 year old who is normally very vocal. I found her lying in her bed. As soon as she saw me she started to whine. I said "Baby, what is wrong?" She looked up to with those big innocent eyes that did not look so innocent in that moment and she said "Shhh... it's a secret." Oh, a secret with a whine... this could not be good. My sweet little girl just keeps saying, "Shhh... it's a secret." It did not take me long to identify the SECRET! Her hand was covered in red paint and in the other hand was the evidence... a tube of red face paint. When she realized that I saw "the secret," she began to scream, "It's a secret!!!" I pick her up and took her to the bathroom and washed the mess away. I told her that we don't need to play with the paint because it will make a big mess. She laughed, gave me a hug and said, "Thank you!" The secrect was gone.

So we were safe from the paint and I went on to bed. On my way there God spoke to my heart about the secrects we try to keep from him and others. How plainly He sees our "secret," the sin we try to hide from him. How he longs for us to stop saying, "It's a secret it's mine." His word says that if we will confess our sin that he WILL forgive us. His word also says to go and share that secrect with someone you can trust. The devil would love nothing more than for you to stay in that creepy place of feeling all alone. There is much freedom in holding your hand up and saying, "Here it is God - help make me clean." He will gladly clean up the mess, encourage you and restore your joy.

So come on people - let's come clean from our secrets today.

( I encourage you to only share with Godly people that you can trust to protect you and point you in the right direction.)

slow down and just be

slow down and just be